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Motion Graphics, 3D, Creative Direction

CLIENT: Internal Project
YEAR: 2021

Veganuary is a global initiative that has inspired over one million people in 192 countries to embrace a vegan lifestyle for the month of January and beyond. For this project, I had the opportunity to create a concise and compelling message that emphasized the impact of choosing a vegan lifestyle, recognizing and motivating participants of the Veganuary challenge to continue their commitment to the environment.

To convey our message, we turned to animation, which allowed us to bring our vision to life through a cast of animated characters and creative environments. This approach enabled us to visually reinforce the positive message of the campaign, engaging viewers and encouraging them to continue making eco-conscious choices.

To convey our message, we turned to animation, which allowed us to bring our vision to life through a cast of animated characters and creative environments. This approach enabled us to visually reinforce the positive message of the campaign, engaging viewers and encouraging them to continue making eco-conscious choices.

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